香 港 地 名 地 圖
Hong Kong Place Name Map

耗 費 逾 月 資 料 搜 集 匯 編 而 成
Took over months to compile data,
收 録 1600 個 官 俗 地 名 鋪 滿 地 圖
resulting in a map filled with 1,600 official and un-official place names.

本圖版權為 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0,分享或引用本圖時註明「Xotarios 翊天星少年」即可。未經授權,不得改圖或作商業用途。
This map is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please attribute the author "Xotarios" when sharing or referencing the map.
Unauthorized modification or commercial use of the map is prohibited.

現時版本 Current Version:  1.2a
更新日期 Latest Update:  2023/11/29

搜羅大量資料、翻査大量地圖,以 1600 個官方及坊間地名鋪滿地圖,獨力耗費逾月匯編而成!


地名字體採用Road Research Society 道路究社製作之監獄體,以突顯香港本地特色。

除了 1600 個地名,還記有各島嶼名、岬角名、水域名、海灣名、主要水塘名、主要河流名、各陸路邊境管制站 等。



After gathering a large amount of data and searching through numerous maps, this map was compiled over the course of months, filled with 1,600 official and common place names. Its purpose is to introduce Hong Kong place names beyond those commonly known, such as Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, and Kwun Tong. All place names, whether official, un-official, or local names, from urban to suburban, rural, and remote areas, are recorded on this map with the same font size (except there is insufficient space).

The font used for the place names is the "Prison Gothic" created by the Road Research Society to highlight the local characteristics of Hong Kong. 

In addition to the 1,600 place names, the map also includes the names of islands, capes, waters, bays, major reservoirs, major rivers,  land border control points, and etc. Every location is filled to the brim as much as possible, with no white space left.

Numerous columns are also included, which cover the criteria for place name inclusion, an introduction to Hong Kong geography, a brief summary of Hong Kong history, a detailed explanation of the division of the 18 districts and the three major regions, and some other interesting facts.

With a wealth of information absorbed in one map, you can become a "Hong Kong Geography Expert"!

一 切 的 開 端
The beginning of everything





憑藉當時對香港地方的認識,我不斷在手繪的地圖上,用稚嫩的字逐一寫上地方名。於是就製成了上面這幅《香港全圖》(by 12歳的翊少,當時署名是「HARRY」)。


In 2008, shortly after I had just graduated from primary school and entered secondary school, I had a strange idea: 

"Wouldn't it be interesting if I filled a map with as many place names as possible?"

So, at the age of 12, I picked up a pencil and attempted to bring this crazy idea to life. With my limited knowledge of Hong Kong's geography at the time, I painstakingly wrote down every place name I could recall on a hand-drawn map.

And so, the above "Hong Kong Complete Map" (by 12-year-old Xotarios, signed as "HARRY") was created. As you can clearly see, my knowledge of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon was not bad, but I knew almost nothing about the New Territories, particularly the rural areas, resulting in many blank spaces on the map.

十 四 年 後
After 14 years...



我隨即把這個念頭,以 Photoshop 嘗試在「香港島」的空白地圖上復刻出來。

After forgetting this idea for a full 14 years, I went from a boy with barely any pubic hair to a young man who spends his days making cringy puns. Then, one day in October, my brain suddenly recalled this childhood fantasy.

I immediately attempted to recreate this idea in Photoshop by filling in the blank map of Hong Kong Island. This blank map (including the whole of Hong Kong) was originally intended to create a new version of the "Hong Kong Railway Fantasy Map" by tracing the land outline from the maps of the Lands Department. However, it eventually became the prototype for this "Map Filled with Place Names" idea.


The result looks pretty good! So, I continued to expand it...

Next is Kowloon...

Kwai Tsing, Clear Water Bay...

Sha Tin, Tai Po...

Fanling, Sheung Shui, Sha Tau Kok...

Kam Tin, Lok Ma Chau...

然 後 ……
And then...


我把整張圖都擱在一邊,回去窩裏把我的 Splatoon 3 努力升上 S+ 排位 。整個計劃被擱署了足足……




And then I got a bit bored. 

I set the whole map aside and went back to playing Splatoon 3, trying to rank up to S+. The entire project was put on hold for...

Six months.

Looking back now, seeing my abandoned project halfway through, there's only one conclusion to be drawn...

Splatoon is really fun.

監 獄 體 的 出 
Prison Gothic appeared



In November 2022, the Road Research Society launched the "Prison Gothic" after successfully crowdfunding the project. This traditional handcrafted font was once widely used on road signs in Hong Kong.

As a result, in April 2023, I rekindled my will(?) to complete that map filled with place names, and changed all the place names to the Prison Gothic to highlight the local characteristics of Hong Kong.

與此同時,我把整個作品由 Photoshop 搬去 Illustrator 製作。

到底哪個白痴會用 Photoshop 製作一幅滿是文字圖層的圖像?(*指着自己*)

Meanwhile, I transferred the entire project from Photoshop to Illustrator for production.

Who in their right mind would use Photoshop to create an image filled with text layers? (*points to myself*)

Tuen Mun, Yuen Long...

Lantau and other Islands...

Island and bay names...

Adding small district maps...

Filling with explanatory text...

最 終

this crazy map was born!




My childhood fantasy has finally
come true after 15 years!

如同我的首頁所説:“_with AI, fantasies come true_”
不過今次的AI,是指 Adobe Illustrator XD

As my homepage says, "_with AI, fantasies come true_"
- but this time,
the AI refers to Adobe Illustrator. XD